Smart Lighting Control System

Smart Lighting in a Smart City

MiP Dual Core Multiprotocol (Lora Modem + LoRaWan) supply

  • Electronic Board mass production by Mipot
  • MiP Dual Core Multiprotocol supply and soldering on PCBA
  • Final Assembly of the System (electronic board + plastics)


  1. With this application the final user can switch on / off the lights reducing the Power Consumption.
  2. Using and control board and dedicated portal the customers can also dimmer and manage the light reducing the Luminosity in Parcking areas and Tunnels.
  3. The system allows the Power Consumption reduction.
  4. This solution is a « Save Energy System «
  5. Remote Maintenance due to an active detection of Lamp problems.
  6. Predictive Maintenance system using a remote control.

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