USB_dongle_MiP Photo

USB Dongle


The 32001588xEU is a family of USB dongles developed to test the functionality and radio parameters of the wireless protocol modules MiP 32001505xEU family. The latter mounts transceivers operating in the 868 MHz SRD Band optimized for very long range, low power applications, suitable for LPWA networks. Based on LoRa® RF Technology and LoRaWAN™ protocol, it provides ultra-long range spread spectrum communication and high interference immunity. Using the (G)FSK modem, it allows to easily add wM-Bus connectivity for utility meters.

Request information


Multiple Stacks available:

wM-Bus (32001588AEU)

LoRaWAN™ specifications 1.0.4 (32001588BEU)

LoRa Mipot (32001588CEU)

LoRa Modem (32001588DEU)

LoRa Multistack (32001588FEU)

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